One month ago, Marvel and comics fans discovered the new Marvel movie trailer Captain Marvel. It will be released in France on the 6th of march 2019. As the release date is still a long way away, waiting for it, Bee&See has decided to dedicate a blog article to this special heroine which arrives at the right time in our society (no pun intended for those who watched the trailer). We will explain you why.
Captain Marvel first appeared in Marvel comics in 1967. The Captain Marvel pseudonym has been given to 7 characters in Marvel comics, to male and female characters:
- Mar-Vell : a Kree captain who has been sent to Earth as a spy
- Monica Rambeau : a former U.S army lieutenant
- Genis-Vell : Mar-Vell’s son
- Phyla-Vell : Mar-Vell’s daughter
- Khn’nr : a Skrull clone of the first Mar-Vell
- Noh-Varr : a Kree inhabitant
- Carol Danvers : a former U.S army pilot who became an intelligence officer and security chief of military base
In this article, we will talk about the last Captain Marvel, and the heroine of the movie : Carol Danvers.
Carol Danvers is a Marvel superhero created in 1968 and had many code names before the Captain Marvel one. First, she has been referred to Miss Marvel, Binary, Warbird, Miss Marvel. Since 2012, she is known as Captain Marvel.
Carol Danvers is not a regular superhero. She is the most powerful Marvel heroin. She got her huge strength after her DNA has been fused with Kree DNA. At that time, Carol was a security chief in a military base and was investigating Mar-Vell, who took the place of the Doctor Lawson. Later, after Yon-Rogg, who was an army supervisor of Mar-Vell, kidnapped her, she has been caught in a psyche-magnitron explosion which injected her Kree DNA. After that, she became superhuman. However, she discovered her powers few years later.
She can fly as fast as the speed of sound and can project and absorb energy. She gets endurance and superhuman strength. She can run faster than you, us and Usain Bolt gathered.
In the Captain Marvel trailer, we can see her arriving on Earth falling from the sky to help Nick Fury. Then, we easily understand that she was the person Nick Fury called at the end of the last Avengers movie: Infinity War. He needs her to save the universe from the huge and terrible Thanos.
Despite the powers she accidentally inherited, Carol Danvers is an extremely strong woman. She managed to become a U.S army pilot and intelligence agent, work in a military base as a Security chief and then be the Editor-in-Chief of a women’s magazine.
This Marvel studios movie show that women can do the same things as men such as hard physical labor, complex mental tasks, or save the universe, and it feels good! Although nowadays, women are getting more and more independent and strong, they are still struggling to be respected as they deserve and as well as men. That’s why this movie comes just in time to back up women’s struggle and prove that women are equal to men.
The Captain Marvel movie is it a response to the Wonder Woman movie from DC Comics? Indeed, both deal with the Girl power and show that women can be stronger or as strong as men. Could this be the beginning of a new film industry area in which brave and strong people who can save the humanity are female characters?