This year, on Bee and See, you have discovered many new brands and creators that we have found around the world.
We are proud to have been able to present these products at the Comic Con last September or during our pop-up store in Paris all the month of December.
Many of you have flashed on the Camino brand, which offers collector replicas in the Marvel and Sar Wars licensed universe.
A Bee and See exclusive that we are happy to present to you.
And it is no coincidence that the brand has taken the same name as the famous planet Kamino in Star Wars clone the soldiers of the Empire.
The latest Camino releases feature legendary models of the saga with high quality bluetooth speakers:
Ils sont aussi très forts quand il s'agit de traiter de l'univers Iron Man avec des répliques/enceintes du buste entier, ce qui n'a pas manqué d'impressionner nos cosplayers cette année !
The new stormtrooper :
And next