2017 will be the year of the Woman. Even better than that, 2017 will be the year of Super Women.
At Bee & See, in any case, it is loud and clear.
There have never been so many Super Heroes movies in the movies for a few years, and one is released every two months on average.
Until now the women were relayed to roles of secondary roles, seeing of amorous conquests for the main hero but the codes are gradually changing to the point of seeing shape in the course of the year (June 2017 ) The movie release of Wonder Woman.
Who would have believed, a few years ago, that a blockbuster centered on a super hero would be embodied by a woman.
And not just any woman. We are talking about Wonder Woman, first Super Heroine, this woman who is part of the league of justiciers.
Born on an island filled with women, she embodies the hidden heroism of women who have replaced men who have gone to the front. She makes her appearance only 3 years after Superman,
The list of super powers would make any bodybuilding hero drool: super-force, flight, super speed, durability, animal telepathy, resistance to mental control, great resistance to magic, regeneration, astral projection, magic lasso.
This Lasso precisely allows him to tell the truth to those who are encircled there. A beautiful symbol in our society where the place of the Woman is finally being discussed so that the parity is respected.
This mini earthquake in the world of cinema and the Place de la Femme, the Sakura gallery in Paris decided to highlight our women in the guise of our most famous heroine in a magnificent exhibition. To see until June 4th 2017 at 21 Rue du Bourg Tibourg.
After the success of her previous exhibitions, "The Battle and the Men", "Immediate Shift" and "Secret Life of Heroes", this time it was the famous women that Galerie Sakura Chosen to highlight, always in the tone of humor and reflection.
As Beyonce says so well are the women who lead the world then Go girls!
So if you are in Paris, you are really advised to go for a walk, you will discover superb works and a very different look on the world of superheroes and hopefully the place of the Woman in Pop Culture And society.
At Bee and See, Pop Culture knows us, it's the least we can say. And Wonder Woman it has been in place for a while among the XXRAY figurines.
It's about, Pop Culture is no more reserved than to Men, and that's very good news!